Soundbites2Solutions is an event series in collaboration with SoulTech Magazine to bring you a private screening of our impactful short film DISPLACED, followed by a dynamic panel discussion led by thought-leaders on immigration.

Our inaugural event took place on April 4th in the spacious theater at Anthology Film Archives in NYC and drew a packed audience whose feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The audience was moved by the film's poignant portrayal of real-life struggles and expressed admiration for its commitment to raising awareness on such a critical issue.

Following the screening, a panel discussion facilitated by Cythia L. Elliot and featuring Ketih Powers, Alexandra S. McCown, and Sadye Compoamor explored actionable steps to address the immigration crisis. The event served as a platform for collaboration and advocacy, bringing together individuals dedicated to effecting meaningful change.

Bring Soundbites2Solutions to your community

We will tailor this event for your organization, institution, or community center

Transform the narrative on Immigration. Your tax-deductible donation to our fiscal sponsor, NYWIFT, will help us bring DISPLACED with Soundbites2Solutions to underserved communities.

More on Immigration

The Truth About Undocumented Immigrants

Our writer, producer, and lead actor in DISPLACED, Tiffany Hodges, volunteered for People Power with the ACLU and created this video in 2017 to bust the myths about undocumented immigrants. Though we have a different president today, the situation is still very much the same for those seeking asylum.

  • Immigrants do not take American jobs. They CREATE American jobs by starting businesses at twice the rate of the American born. (CNN & ACLU)

  • Most undocumented Immigrants pay federal, local, and state income taxes. Over the last decade, they have paid $100 billion dollars into Social Security without ever being able to receive those benefits. (CNN & The Social Security Administration)

  • Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, or Medicaid.

  • DOCUMENTED Immigrants are about 25% less likely to be signed up for Medicaid than the American-born and 37% less likely to receive food stamps. (Cato Institute)

  • American born citizens are incarcerated at nearly TWICE the rate of illegal immigrants, and more than THREE times the rate of legal ones. (NY Times)

  • The rate of delinquency and criminal activity among teens is considerably higher for those born in America than that of their immigrant peers. (NY Times)

  • When ICE rounds up undocumented immigrants in public spaces like schools and courts, they become too scared to talk to the police when they witness a crime. And THAT makes us all unsafe!

The Truth About Detaining Immigrants

Watch IMMIGRANTS FOR SALE from Brave New Films and learn the truth about detaining immigrants.

  • Corporations are making a 5 billion dollar yearly profit from the suffering of detained immigrants. And, your tax dollars are paying for it!

  • A path to legalization for these immigrants would increase federal revenues by $48 billion dollars. (CNN)

  • Without immigrants, the United States would face with the same demographic death spiral that is happening in Japan. (NY Times)